Treating acute colonic diverticulitis with extraluminal pericolic air: An Acute Care Surgery in the Netherlands (ACCSENT) multicenter retrospective cohort study

Sanne Vogels*, Martine Frouws, Annelien N. Morks, Daphne Roos, Jephta van den Bremer, Sacha M.P. Koch, Robin H.M. Smithuis, Rigo Hoencamp, Gwendolyn M. van der Wilden

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Owing to improved quality of computed tomography, a new category of complicated acute diverticulitis, including patients with pericolic air but without abscess formation, can be defined (Hinchey 1a). Recent studies question whether this new category of acute diverticulitis could be treated as uncomplicated cases. The aim of our study is to report on the clinical course of acute diverticulitis Hinchey 1a in current clinical practice. Methods: For this multicenter retrospective cohort study, patients presenting at the emergency department with Hinchey 1a acute diverticulitis as demonstrated by computed tomography scan, were identified. The primary outcome measure was successful conservative treatment with observation alone, antibiotics, and/or hospital admission. Readmissions, percutaneous drainage of abscesses, and emergency operations were considered as failure. Results: Between October 2016 and October 2018, 1,199 patients were clinically suspected for acute diverticulitis, of whom 101 (8.4%) were radiologically diagnosed to have type 1a acute diverticulitis (average age 57 (±13) years, 45% female) and started with conservative treatment. This was successful in 86 (85%) patients. One of the 15 unsuccessfully treated patients (1%) received percutaneous drainage of an abdominal abscess. Surgery was required in 9 cases (9%) after a median time of 6 days (range, 3 to 69 days). Although a difference in the volume of extraluminal air on computed tomography scan was found, this was not shown to be a risk factor for the clinical course. Conclusion: Patients with type 1a acute diverticulitis can be treated successfully by conservative therapy in the majority of cases (85%). More research is required to define predictive factors for successful conservative management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1182-1187
Number of pages6
JournalSurgery (United States)
Issue number5
Early online date27 Nov 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 Elsevier Inc.


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