Treaty legalization, security interests, and ratification of multilateral disarmament treaties

Michal Onderco*, Valerio Vignoli

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Multilateral treaties are essential for the effectiveness of global disarmament efforts. Ratification delays have deep repercussions on international cooperation for disarmament. Yet what determines their duration? In this paper, we offer the first comprehensive study of multilateral disarmament treaty ratification, covering the period between 1976 and 2020. We test the effects of treaty legalization and a country's security situation on the ratification duration. States are slower to join treaties with a high degree of obligation, but faster to join treaties with high degrees of precision and delegation. Engagement in inter-state rivalries slows down ratification. In contrast, we find only statistically weak evidence that alliance embeddedness accelerates it.

Original languageEnglish
JournalConflict Management and Peace Science
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Apr 2024

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Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

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