Twenty years of P-splines

Paul Eilers, BD Marx, M Durban

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

115 Citations (Scopus)


P-splines first appeared in the limelight twenty years ago. Since then they have become popular in applications and in theoretical work. The combination of a rich B-spline basis and a simple difference penalty lends itself well to a variety of generalizations, because it is based on regression. In effect, P-splines allow the building of a "backbone" for the "mixing and matching" of a variety of additive smooth structure components, while inviting all sorts of extensions: varying-coefficient effects, signal (functional) regressors, two-dimensional surfaces, non-normal responses, quantile (expectile) modelling, among others. Strong connections with mixed models and Bayesian analysis have been established. We give an overview of many of the central developments during the first two decades of P-splines.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)149-186
Number of pages38
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Research programs

  • EMC NIHES-01-66-01

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