‘You are not alone.’ An exploratory study on open-topic, guided collaborative reflection sessions during the General Practice placement

Chris W. Walinga*, Pieter C. Barnhoorn, Geurt T.J.M. Essers, Sven P.C. Schaepkens, Anneke W.M. Kramer

*Corresponding author for this work

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To support professional development of medical students faced with challenges of the clinical phase, collaborative reflection sessions (CRSs) are used to share and reflect on workplace experiences. Facilitation of CRSs seems essential to optimise learning and to provide important skills for lifelong learning as a professional. However, little is known about which workplace experiences students share in CRSs without advance guidance on specific topics, and how reflecting on these experiences contributes to students’ professional development. Therefore, we explored which workplace experiences students shared, what they learned from reflection on these experiences, and how they perceived the value of CRSs. 


We conducted an exploratory study among medical students (N = 99) during their General Practice placement. Students were invited to openly share workplace experiences, without pre-imposed instruction. A thematic analysis was performed on shared experiences and student learning gains. Students’ perceptions of CRSs were analysed using descriptive statistics. 


All 99 students volunteered to fill out the questionnaire. We found four themes relating to students’ shared experiences: interactions with patients, complex patient care, diagnostic or therapeutic considerations, and dealing with collegial issues. Regarding students’ learning gains, we found 6 themes: learning from others or learning from sharing with others, learning about learning, communication skills, self-regulation, determination of position within the healthcare team, and importance of good documentation. Students indicated that they learned from reflection on their own and peer’s workplace experiences. Students valued the CRSs as a safe environment in which to share workplace experiences and helpful for their professional development. 


In the challenging General Practice placement, open-topic, guided CRSs provide a helpful and valued learning environment relevant to professional development and offer opportunities for vicarious learning among peers. CRSs may also be a valuable tool to incorporate into other placements.

Original languageEnglish
Article number769
JournalBMC Medical Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, BioMed Central Ltd., part of Springer Nature.


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